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Tips For Behavior Training Your Baby Parrot

Parrot Training Tips

No doubt, parrots are one of the beautiful and cleverest bird species. It is important to make your parrot feel that you care for him, so he should know how to behave well in social situations. The majority of baby parrots cannot be fully disciplined, always keeping a bit of their wild side, but by putting little effort and consistency, you can make your parrot happy and domesticated.

Always remember that a few parrots have long life span, therefore, your teaching will make the distinction among living with a happily and pleasant parrot and an unfriendly parrot. Below, there are a few tips to train your baby parrot how to behave well.

Be Prepared:

  • Before you start any sort of training, make sure to equip yourself with all the required tools.
  • Treats like fruits, almonds, nuts that are not the main part of parrot’s regular meal.
  • A light weighted and bright colored towel.
  • A small sized but strong dowel that you can at least in your hand easily.
  • Bird leash
  • Parrot travel cage (When required while traveling)

Be Practical:

Just like human beings, parrots have an individual personality, likings and disliking. Therefore, they may take more time in learning few things, or maybe they just ignore it, no matter how good that particular thing sound. In such situations, you need to pay more attention towards your baby parrot to make them realize and learn.

In this way, your bird will feel secure and comfortable. Moreover, keep the training session short and interesting. In fact, 15 to 20 minutes will be more than enough to teach your parrot something.

Handling Your Parrot:

Parrot Training Tips

It will be great to start with basics. Always stand near your parrot plus your attitude should be positive enough to deal with him. For making him relax, it will be great to place your fingers gently on the lower breast of your parrot. Actually, it will encourage the bird to follow your directions with ease.

Moreover, don’t try to hold the baby parrot tight, it will not only harm him but can make him aggressive too. While conducting the session, use different motions and verbal language to teach the baby parrot properly. In the end of session, let your parrot free and this will let you know what your parrot has learned. It will be great to redo the practice with your baby parrot on a daily basis from the start. This even works in teaching your baby parrot to talk.

Offering Treats:

Make sure not to provide treats indiscriminately; they should be for the parrot when he is really performing something incredible. As your parrot is in his growing phase, offering him treats will encourage him to do things as per you demand. The treats should be given with the tips of your fingers, as it will protect your fingers from bites. It is often that baby parrots do bite while eating from hands of their owners.

Towel Training:

Getting your baby parrot acclimated to a towel is fundamental, since you will be utilizing towels for different circumstances, for example, for preparing, giving medicine or taking care of a harm. You will need to incorporate towel preparing in your standard instructional meetings. Utilizing a little white or light hued hand towel (brilliant hues may caution your baby parrot), permit your fowl to step onto the towel, maybe to eat a little treat that has been laid on the towel.

When the baby parrot is acclimated to the towel, take the towel and wrap the baby parrot from behind, taking extraordinary care not to press against the winged animal’s midsection with the towel with your hands. Hold the baby parrot’s sides just, so that it can’t squirm beyond your control and utilizing your other hand, put your center finger and thumb on every side of its neck, with your forefinger lying on top of the head to keep its head still.

Dishearten Biting And Animosity:

Be careful that baby parrot regularly utilize their beaks for stability; setting their noses on the item they are going to venture on. Try not to bounce back hoping to be chomped or your winged animal may get to be anxious about going onto your hand.

Flying creatures additionally like to taste things, including your skin, so you may think that it seeming to snack on you, however it is truly simply touching its tongue to your skin. You will know the distinction.

Furthermore, gnawing ought to dependably be demoralized. Yet rather than shouting or rebuffing the parrot, attempt to resist the urge to panic, and in the expert position at all times. Immovably say “no,” place your hand, palm out, before its face and utilize a stop motion.

Then again, if your baby parrot is carrying on forcefully – fluttering its wings, shouting or raising itself high – don’t disregard it or remain down, yet remain nearby and utilization cool words until it has settled down.

You ought to likewise never attempt to hold the baby parrot when it is overexcited. On the off chance that your winged creature does get you in a chomp hold, attempt a puff of air to make it let go, and rehash the debilitating words.

To keep your baby parrot from gnawing and biting on furniture or window blinds and blankets, you can utilize a veterinary-affirmed impediment called biting apple splash. Splash this on the items that you need your baby parrot to keep its beak off of.

Read More: How To Teach Parrot To Dance

Utilize A Biting Stick:

Showing your baby parrot early what is fitting to nibble furthermore giving it bounty to bite on can help to keep its nose occupied. You can utilize a wooden chopstick or comparable little stick, putting it inside of the baby parrot’s span. When it does chomp the stick, applaud it for doing as such. The winged creature will rapidly discover on that gnawing a stick is something worth being thankful for.


There is truly no straightforward approach to demoralize shouting. It is the thing that parrots do particularly. Having a pen spread or little cover convenient to cover the pen can frequently settles the baby parrot down. Music can likewise be a decent diversion for a shouting parrots.

Be that as it may, never go to your baby parrot when it shouts, or it will discover that this is a viable approach to stand out enough to be noticed.

These are the few tips that you can follow to train your baby parrot how to behalf good in a best way without teasing him. So, start applying them from today on your parrot and don’t forget to tell your responses in below comment section area.

Read More: 5 Most Loveable Parrot Breeds

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