Fischer’s Lovebird
Fischer’s lovebirds are not the most popular species of lovebirds but are a very loveable sub-breed of parrots. Fischer’s lovebirds are very charming and beautiful. Though they are small in size, very spectacular as far as the looks of these little birdies are concerned. Don’t be fooled by the small size of these wonderful birds; they certainly are a power pack full of energy.
The natural habitat of these birds is central Africa but there are other tropical regions where you can find the Fischer’s lovebirds as well. However, these birds are known for having their own preferences. These birds are though adapted to the natural environment that they live in but also enjoy the quiet life at home. This is why most of Fischer’s birds turn out to be great pets!
Characteristics of Fischer’s Lovebird:
- Size: 6 inches
- Weight: 42 to 58 grams
- Wing Span: 88 to 89 centimeters
- Lifespan: 10 to 15 years
- Physique: Small, colorful, downward pointed small beak, multicolored body feathers
- Best Suited for Well-suited to captivity
- Temperament: Charming, active, noisy,
- Comparable Breeds: None
History of Fischer’s Lovebird:

The first-ever breed of the Fischer’s lovebirds was found in the year of 1926. These birds centrally originate from Central Western Africa and are most commonly found in the areas of Tanzania, Lake Victoria, and the Nzega regions.
The area where they are found in the Nzega region is known as the rift valley. Another very interesting aspect of Fischer’s lovebirds is that these birds are monomorphic. This means that both the males and females of these birds are physically alike and similar.
Fischer’s Lovebird Appearance:
Fischer’s lovebirds are very small in size, with measurements around 6 inches in height. The back and chest of these lovebirds are bright green in color. The green color of these birds is similar to all other parrots. The neck of these birds is very beautiful golden in color.
The neck color moving upwards becomes a very bright and contrasting orange. The top of the head of Fischer’s birds is olive green in color and the beak of these birds is a very rich red.
These little birds are very colorful and bright. However, despite the body feathers of these birds being so brilliantly brightly colored, the most striking feature of these birds is their eyes. The eyes of these birds are big and round and have white rims. This is definitely the most standout feature of these birds.
Baby Fischer’s Lovebird:
As an adorable baby bird, Fischer’s lovebird is very playful and naughty. In fact, as a baby, they hate to live on their own at any point of the day. This is why you will mostly find these birds living in pairs with their fellows.
The thing which these birds are most popularly known for is the amount of energy that they contain in their little bodies. Hence, it is pretty obvious that a small size for these birds does not make a big difference to the fun-filled life these birds like to live.
On the downside, as a baby, the Fischer’s lovebirds do find it a little difficult to bond with their human companions. In fact, as babies, they mostly fear the presence of humans. This can of course be attributed to their tiny size and the fear would naturally mean they are scared of getting hurt. This is mainly why these birds are babies who stay in a group with their other companions. This gives them a sense of security and protection.
Fischer’s Lovebird Health:
Fischer’s lovebirds have had many health scares in their lifetime. The biggest health concern for these birds is the numerous nutritional deficiencies that they might suffer from. Seeds are an essential component of Fischer’s lovebird diet. Hence, it may become a big problem if these birds do not get a regular supply of seeds in their lifetime.
There are several other health problems that the Fischer’s birds do complain of having. These include problems like respiratory problems and abnormal breathing. Dropping head, wings and feathers are also common. Weight loss and bleeding are also commonly reported for Fischer’s lovebirds.
Fischer’s Lovebird Lifespan:
The lifespan of these lovebirds is of course dependent on the type of diet and nutrition they receive in their lifetime. However, even on a good diet, these birds do not have a very wide lifespan. Parrots are types of birds that are infamous for having long lives and can live up to the age of 90 years!
However, Fischer’s lovebirds will live up to being only 15 years maximum. The lifespan of these lovebirds will definitely depend on what type of dietary nutrition they get.
Feeding for Fischer’s Lovebird:
The best diet that is recommended for Fischer’s lovebirds is seeds. These birds are very tiny and therefore, need proper nutrition for good health. If they fail to get proper attention, they will end up being very sick. Seeds contain all nutrients and minerals that are essential for the good health of parrots. That is why seeds are considered the best diet for Fischer’s lovebirds. Occasionally, these birds can also be fed fresh green and leafy vegetables.
Fischer’s Lovebird with Children:
Fischer’s lovebirds are wonderful pets. The quiet and loveable nature of these birds makes them many favorites for their human friends. They are very gentle with children as well. These birds are very social and playful. This is why they will have a good time with their human companions and share a good bond with children.
As pets, they are very fun to be around in the house. They are not aggressive or harmful at all. Thus, it is very safe to allow these birds to be around children alone.
Fischer’s Lovebird Living with other Birds:
Fischer’s birds are just like any average bird with a very cool temperament. The mild attitude and behavior of these birds make them very good companions of other birds. In fact, they really enjoy living in large flocks with other companions. These birds are neither overly aggressive nor very social. They are somewhere between the lines which makes them easily adjustable in all types of environments.
Fischer’s lovebirds can live alone very happily and peacefully as well. As babies, they do not like to live in isolation but the adult Fisher’s lovebirds have a different attitude. The only downside of these birds living with other fellow birds is the fact that they can easily get offended if they do not get enough attention.
Fischer’s Lovebird Training:
Fischer’s lovebirds are very calm in nature. Like birds, they do not make a lot of noise and are rather quiet. Secondly, these birds are very quick learners as well. Hence, it is very easy and fun to train them to learn new skills and tricks as well.
There are a few behavioral problems that these birds show from day one. Hence, in order for them to be good pets, they need to be trained. Biting is the biggest problem for these birds. So the first thing they need to learn is not to bite, especially when around strangers.
Another thing they need to be trained about is not to chew randomly on things. These birds have a very bad habit of chewing on everything. Therefore, the first thing they need to be taught when they come into your home is not to nibble on the furniture, clothes, or the food items you keep on the kitchen shelves.
The best thing about training the Fischer’s lovebirds is that it is fairly easy to train them as they understand all the orders that you give them. Therefore, since they will understand what you are telling them to do, they will learn quickly as well.
They have very alert senses as well and can sense the difference between love and anger. Thus, if you talk to them in a stern voice, they will understand immediately that they are in trouble for doing something wrong.
Fischer’s Lovebird Talking Skills:
Fischer’s lovebirds have good enough talking skills. They certainly can talk but do not like to talk. Fischer’s lovebirds are not considered to be many talkers. They do enjoy interacting with new people but have limited speech. Like little birds, they are not very fond of talking non-stop.
In comparison to talking, these birds are fonder of learning new tricks. They can mimic other people and learn new behaviors from other people. Secondly, these birds have a great love for singing and whistling. They can learn different tunes by just listening to them. Thus, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the birds are much more singers than talkers!
Fischer’s lovebird Biting and Aggression:
In comparison to all other lovebirds, Fischer’s lovebirds are considered as being the least aggressive or violent. The quiet and calm nature of these birds makes them much loveable. The calm nature of these birds is also another reason why these birds are not aggressive. They do not tend to have aggressive vibes in them.
However, a lack of aggression does not mean that these birds won’t eventually bite. These birds, just like all other birds, have a natural instinct of biting as a reaction to things. Biting for parrots is a way to express their various emotions.
Hence, if Fischer’s lovebirds bite it means they are annoyed or not comfortable with something. But if you teach the parrot not to bite, it will learn to control the biting behavior as well.
Read More: 5 Tips To Teach Your Parrot To Talk
3 Best Lovebird Lifespan Cages – Buying Guide:
[amalinkspro_table id=”7125″ new-window=”on” nofollow=”on” addtocart=”off” /]Fischer’s lovebirds are very small-sized birds but full of energy. These little birds are very enthusiastic and energetic. Secondly, these little birds have many gentle manners but are super energetic.
Hence, these birds need to have cages that will give them enough space to freely move about and channelize their body’s energy. This is why the best choices of cages for these birds are cages that are large in size and spacious.
1. VIVOHOME 59.8 Inch Wrought Iron Bird Cage:
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B07T1GZP37″ apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”500:500″ imgs=”” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”More Info” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]VIVOHOME 59.8 Inch Wrought Iron Bird Cage with Play Top and Rolling Stand for Parrots Conures Lovebird Cockatiel Parakeets[/amalinkspro]
The VIVOHOME bird medium cage is very spacious. Although these birds are very small and do not need a very large cage to live in more space is a good option for these birds as they are very energetic. The height of this cage is very high as well.
This cage comes with an easily removable base tray. This makes cleaning the tray very easy. The cage also has separate food and water dishes for the birds to feed on. This prevents the birds from creating too much mess which is later onwards difficult to clean.
[amalinkspro type=”cta-btn-css” ctabtn-id=”8″ asin=”” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” new-window=”true” nofollow=”true” alignment=”aligncenter”]Get Discounted Price on Amazon[/amalinkspro]2. YAHEETECH 52-inch Wrought Iron Standing Large Flight King Bird Cage for Cockatiels African Grey:
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B079JW8YCQ” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”500:500″ imgs=”” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”More Info” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]YAHEETECH 52-inch Wrought Iron Standing Large Flight King Bird Cage for Cockatiels African Grey Quaker Amazon Sun Parakeets Green Cheek Conures Pigeons Small Parrot Bird Cage Birdcage with Stand[/amalinkspro]
The first thing about the YAHEETECH Top Parrot Lovebird cage is that it looks very amazing. The cage is made of thin rods all of which are curved and twisted to form a house-like structure. This birdcage is a very pretty pink in color, which will definitely make the girls happy! Overall this cage is light in weight and has a lot of space as well.
[amalinkspro type=”cta-btn-css” ctabtn-id=”8″ asin=”” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” new-window=”true” nofollow=”true” alignment=”aligncenter”]Get Discounted Price on Amazon[/amalinkspro]3. Mcage Round Bird CAGE Cockatiel Lovebird Finch Canary Parakeet for Small Bird:
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B00GX1IS5Y” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”320:500″ imgs=”” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”More Info” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]Mcage Round Bird CAGE Cockatiel Lovebird Finch Canary Parakeet for Small Bird[/amalinkspro]
The McCage Rooftop bird cage comes with a detachable stand. This helps to keep the cage at a height whenever you want to. Secondly, the highlight feature of this cage is the epoxy-coated non-toxic finish to the grills of the cage. This makes it safe for the birds as well. The cage also has a removable-based plastic tray.
This makes cleaning the cage easy as well as these birds can make quite a lot of mess because of their super energetic behavior. The metal rods of the cage also have fixed food and water containers. The cage also has a swinging door for easy movement of the bird in and out of the cage.
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