Lutino lovebird

The peach-faced lovebird popularly has two sub-breeds as a result of gene mutation. These breeds are the Dutch blue lovebirds and the Lutino lovebirds. In this article, we talk about the very attractive-looking and wonderfully calm Lutino lovebirds. We will make sure to highlight everything from its behavior to temperament and training! In the end, we also talk about the best cages that are available for the Lutino lovebirds.
Characteristics of Lutino Lovebird:
- 6 to 7 inches (16 to 18 centimeters)
- 40 to 50 grams.
Wing Span:
- unknown.
- 15 to 30 years.
- Peach-faced, downward pointed beak, small physical build, strong feet with a powerful grip.
Best Suited for:
- indoors, warm and calm environments, damp woodlands.
- Social, affectionate, brave, comfortable around others, friendly, playful, active, curious, interactive.
Comparable Breeds:
- Peach-faced lovebirds, Dutch blue lovebirds.
History of Lutino Lovebird:
The Lutino lovebirds are a sub-breed of the Peach-Faced Lovebirds. Like all of their other companions, the Lutino lovebirds come from the dam woodlands and desert areas of the Southern part of Africa. Since these birds come from such hot temperate areas, they are used to the heat and thus, do not comfortably live in cold climates. These lovebirds are popular species that are kept as pets since training these pets is very easy as well.
Lutino lovebirds are sex-linked through gene mutations. They are further sub-categorized into two types; Cinnamon (Fallow) Lutino lovebirds and American Cinnamon (light green) Lutino lovebirds. They belong to the family “Psittacidae” and the scientific name of the Lutino lovebirds is ‘Agapornis Roseicollis Var’.
Lutino Lovebird Appearance:
The most interesting and attractive thing about the Lutino lovebirds is their looks. They are most popular for their looks as well. The striking and different physical appearance of these birds is attributed to the gene mutation of these parrots.
The face of Lutino lovebirds is peach. The body, in contrast to other parrots, is pale yellow in color. The color is almost lime green in color. These birds have a downward pointed beak and are very tiny in size.
Baby Lutino Lovebird:
As a baby birdie, the Lutino lovebirds are as loving and affectionate as they are adult birds. As a baby, these birds are even multiple times more mischievous and playful. It is very important for these birds to be given the space and environment to channelize their energies and activeness.
As a baby, these birds are a little demanding as well. In fact, these birds can be very choosy when younger. They are very social but enjoy the attention they get because of their beautiful looks from a young age.
Lack of attention can make them irritable and frustrated. These birds, however, are never aggressive. The Lutino lovebirds are considered one of the calmest birds in the world because of their quiet and calm nature.
About Lutino Lovebird Health:
The health and well-being of Lutino birds is a matter of utmost concern. The reason is that these birds have the tendency to hide their sickness or bad health from others by concealing it.
Therefore, these birds won’t behave sick and you will only have to keenly observe the symptoms of these birds to notice any abnormal changes in the appearance, behavior, or attitude of these birds.
There are a number of health problems and diseases that the Lutino birds are prone to developing easily. These include respiratory problems, bleeding, indigestion, ruffled feathers, vomiting, and excessive weight loss.
Lutino Lovebird Lifespan:
Lutino lovebirds have a lifespan that ranges from 15 to 30 years. The 15-year gap in lifespan is due to a number of different reasons. Many factors are determinants of the lifespan of Lutino birds.
The biggest determinant factor is the health of these lovebirds. It is very important for these birds to have good health and to live a long life. A good diet and nutrition are important for these little birds to stay healthy and strong.
Feeding Lutino Lovebirds:
Lutino birds can be a little choosy and selective when it comes to food. They love to feed on nuts and seeds. They get maximum nutrition from seeds that fulfill their body needs. These parrots are also fond of certain vegetables. Zucchini, Bell peppers, celery, broccoli, green beans, and spinach are a few favorite veggies of these little fellows.
Check on Our Article:: Fischer’s Lovebird LifeSpan, Food & Care Guide
Lutino Lovebirds with Children:
These types of lovebirds are particularly very popular and loveable as pets. It is the super sweet, loving, and friendly nature of these lovebirds that makes them such great pets. The Lutino lovebirds are very playful. This is why they really enjoy the company of little children and kids adore them too.
These birds also have a very loving and affectionate nature. They are the least aggressive parrots and it is completely safe for them to be around little children on their own. They are so tiny in size and soft in nature that it is virtually not possible for them to cause any harm to children. These birds end up sharing a very special bond with their human counterparts. Lutino lovebirds prove to be very loving and loyal pets.
Lutino Lovebird Living with Other Birds:
All breeds of lovebirds are known for having a very wonderful personalities but the Lutino Lovebird is most popular in this respect. It is known to be the friendliest and most affectionate lovebird. It absolutely adores its companions and shares a very special bond with them all.
In fact, they love to do nothing more than to hang out with their little group of friends. They have a very playful and social nature and hence, share a very special bond with every fellow bird in their flock.
However, like humans, these little birds have favorites as well. They share an extra special and strong bond with some of their bird fellows. Therefore it makes them very jealous if they do not get proper attention from their mates. This is why it is believed that the Lutino lovebirds have a little possessive nature.
Lutino Lovebird Training:
Lutino lovebirds are social, active, and cheerful parrots. They prefer to stay in large flocks with fellow birds and do not enjoy isolation. Hence, it may be a challenge at first to tame these birds down when they come into your home. They might not adjust well to isolation and being on their own at first. Hence, it is very important to give it the time to adjust to the new surroundings and life that is completely different.
These lovebirds are, however, available readily enough since they make great pets. This makes it obvious that the Lutino lovebirds are very good pets is they are given the right amount of training. These birds need to be trained for a number of different reasons.
The first thing that these birds will be required to train for is biting. For all species of birds, biting is a very natural behavior. Biting is a way for birds to express their dislike towards something. Hence, once the Lutino parrot comes into your home and is not comfortable with the strange surroundings, it is most likely to bite! The first thing you will need to teach it is to not bite.
Lutino lovebirds are not much noise. They are not much of a talker and do not like to talk that much either. So the maximum you will need to train it for is not to talk. You need to encourage it to learn a few words as it does have the ability to do so. However, disciplining the lutino parrots is not much of a problem because it does not demonstrate any major behavior problems.
Lutino Lovebird Talking Skills:
Lutino lovebirds do have the ability to talk but whether they like to talk or not is a completely different story. These lovebirds can talk freely and learn quickly as well. However, these birds are not much of a talker. Thus, you will not find these birds talking a lot or making any major noise inside the house. But they certainly do have the skill to learn a few selective words.
More than talking, the Lutino birds like to mimic others. This is what you will find them doing most commonly. These birds mimic and imitate others that are around them. They are very skilled mimics and imitate others very well. These birds also have great observing skills. They observe others and copy what they do.
Lutino Lovebird Biting and Aggression:
Lutino lovebirds are one of the most loving and soft-natured parrots in the entire world. You will find these birds rarely getting angry, violent, or aggressive. Aggression is not a distinct personality trait of the Lutino lovebirds. So you will rarely find the Lutino lovebird getting angry or aggressive.
These parrots can bite and will be required to train not to bite their owners or people randomly. Biting is a natural instinctive behavior of birds. The good news is that training the Lutino lovebirds is not very difficult. These birds can be trained well not to bite and they will learn quickly whatever they are being taught.
Best Lutino Lovebird Food Cages – Buying Guide:
[amalinkspro_table id=”7107″ new-window=”on” nofollow=”on” addtocart=”off” /]Lutino lovebirds are most popular for being extremely active, playful, and social. Hence, it is very difficult for these little energy packs to live in a cage that is small in size. In fact, it is most important for a Lutino lovebird to have a cage that is roomy and spacious so that it can move around and stay active all day long.
Moreover, a roomy and large-sized cage is also important for a Lutino lovebird because this way it will not be physically restricted. A small-sized cage will not only make life difficult for the birds but for their owners as well.
The lack of space will make it hard for the owners to train their birds. To avoid all sorts of issues, it is important that a lutino parrot gets a cage that is large, spacious, and easy to maintain. The following is a quick overview of the best cages that are available these days for these little parrots.
1. SUPER DEAL 59.3”/53” Rolling Bird Cage Large Wrought Iron Cage:
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B07P9XB2SK” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”500:500″ imgs=”” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”More Info” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]SUPER DEAL 59.3”/53” Rolling Bird Cage Large Wrought Iron Cage for Cockatiel Sun Conure Parakeet Finch Budgie Lovebird Canary Medium Pet House with Rolling Stand & Storage Shelf (59.3”)[/amalinkspro]
The best thing about the McCage lovebird cage with a stand is that it is designed for parrots that are this size. The structure of this cage is very attractive and strongly built. The epoxy-coated bars of the cage make it a very safe haven for these little birds. It is physically safe for them and prevents them from catching health problems as well.
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2. Prevue Hendryx Signature Bird Cage in Black:
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B000TZ72CA” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”333:500″ imgs=”” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”More Info” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]Prevue Hendryx Signature Select Series Wrought Iron Bird Cage in Black[/amalinkspro]
The Prevue Hendryx signature round birdcage is neither too big nor too small. It is definitely a spacious enough cage for little birds like the lutino parrots. It is suitable for small birds because it gives them enough space to carry out daily activities.
The bars of the cage has a black epoxy coat which provides them with smooth finesse. The inside of the cage has two removable food dishes, a water plate, a perch, a wooden swing, and a swinging door.
[amalinkspro type=”cta-btn-css” ctabtn-id=”8″ asin=”” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” new-window=”true” nofollow=”true” alignment=”aligncenter”]Get Discounted Price on Amazon[/amalinkspro]3. PawHut 60″ Metal Indoor Bird Cage Starter Kit with Detachable Rolling Stand:
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B01MQLUW6X” apilink=”″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”500:500″ imgs=”” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”More Info” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]PawHut 60″ Metal Indoor Bird Cage Starter Kit with Detachable Rolling Stand, Storage Basket, and Accessories, Black[/amalinkspro]
The PawHut 60″ inch Metal Indoor Bird large cage is as spacious and pretty as it can be. This amazing cage comes with a bar spacing of 5 to 8 inches. This is literally a spacious treat for your pet as it can easily move inside its cage and will definitely be very happy with its home!
The stand also comes with a detachable stand that can be attached or detached as per your wish. The bottom of the cage is made of two layers. The first is a metal grate tray that sits on a plastic plate. This tray is very easy to remove as well which makes cleaning super smooth as well.
[amalinkspro type=”cta-btn-css” ctabtn-id=”8″ asin=”” apilink=”″ addtocart=”false” new-window=”true” nofollow=”true” alignment=”aligncenter”]Get Discounted Price on Amazon[/amalinkspro]Read Our Article: Want Your Love Birds To Love Their Cage – Guide